How to save up to 500€/year switching from Mailchimp to Open Source Mailtrain and AWS SES

My newsletter Le Courrier du hacker (3,800 subscribers, 176 issues) is 3 years old and Mailchimp costs were becoming unbearable for a small project ($50 a month, $600 a year), with still limited revenues nowadays. Switching to the Open Source Mailtrain plugged to the AWS Simple Email Service (SES) will dramatically reduce the associated costs.

Our Journey To 100 Customers

Yesterday, after switching to a per-job offer fee model 15 months ago,, the job board for Free and Open Source Software Professionals, reached the 100th paying customer! That’s an awesome milestone for us, proving we deliver great value for our customers. We also reached a Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of 1000€ for two months …