Feed2tweet 0.2: power of the command line sending your Feed RSS to Twitter

Feed2tweet is a self-hosted Python app to send you RSS feed to Twitter.

A long descriptions about why and how to use it is available in my last post about it.

Feed2tweet is in production for Le Journal du hacker, a French Hacker News-style FOSS website.


Feed2tweet 0.2 brings a lot of new command line options, contributed by Antoine Beaupré @theanarcat. Taking a short extract of the Feed2tweet 0.2 changelog:


  • new command line option -r or –dry-run to simulate execution of Feed2tweet
  • new command line option -d or –debug to increase verbosity of the execution of Feed2tweet
  • new command line option -v or –verbose to follow the execution of Feed2tweet
  • new command line option –cachefile to get the path of the cache file
  • new command line option –hashtaglist to get the path of the hash tag composed by multiple words
  • new command line option -r or –rss to get the uri of the RSS feed


Lots of issues from the previous project was also fixed.

Using Feed2tweet? Send us bug reports/feature requests/push requests/comments about it!

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