Extend your Twitter network with Retweet

Retweet is self-hosted app coded in Python 3 allowing to retweet all the statuses from a given Twitter account to another one. Lots of filters can be used to retweet only tweets matching given criterias.

Retweet 0.8 is available on the PyPI repository and is already in the official Debian unstable repository.

Retweet is in production already for Le Journal Du hacker , a French FOSS community website to share and relay news and LinuxJobs.fr , a job board for the French-speaking FOSS community.



The new features of the 0.8 allow Retweet to manage the tweets given how old they are, retweeting only if :

  • they are older than a user-specified duration with the parameter older_than
  • they are younger than a user-specified duration with the parameter younger_than

Retweet is extensively documented, have a look at the official documentation to understand how to install it, configure it and use it.

What about you? does Retweet allow you to develop your Twitter account? Let your comments in this article.

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