Unverified backups are useless. Automatize the controls!

Follow me on Identi.ca  or Twitter  or Diaspora* Unverified backups are useless, every sysadmins know that. But manually verifying a backup means wasting time and resources. Moreover it’s boring. You should automatize it! Backup Checker is a command line software developed in Python 3.4 on GitHub (stars appreciated 🙂 ) allowing users to verify the integrity of …

Verify your backups… or lose them all

Follow me on Identi.ca  or Twitter  or Diaspora* As a good sysadmin, you thought you had backups for your server but you didn’t verify them before the major migration you attempted? When you need them, they’re empty or full of useless files. And now it’s too late… You won’t guess how often this situation occurs. Backup Checker …