Retweet 0.5 : only retweet some tweets

Retweet 0.5 is now available ! The main new feature is: Retweet now lets you define a list of hashtags that, if they appear in the text of the tweet, this tweet is not retweeted. You only need this line in your retweet.ini configuration file: do_not_retweet_hashes=dnr,donotretweet,noretweet, Have a look at the official documentation to read …

db2twitter 0.2 released

db2twitter 0.2 was just released! If you missed my last post about it,  db2twitter automatically extracts fields from your database, use them to feed a template of tweet and send the tweet. db2twitter is developed by and run for, the job board of th french-speaking Free Software and Opensource community. Github of db2twitter (star …

db2twitter: get data in database, build and send tweets

db2twitter automatically extracts fields from your database, use them to feed a template of tweet and send the tweet. db2twitter is developed by and run for, the job board of th french-speaking Free Software and Opensource community. Github of db2twitter (star it if you like 😉 Official documentation on readthedocs Imagine you want to …

Retweet 0.2 : bump to Python 3

Follow me on  or Twitter  or Diaspora* Don’t know Retweet? My last post about it introduced this small Twitter bot whichs just retweets (for now) every tweets from a Twitter account to another one. Retweet Retweet 0.2 on Github The Retweet project on Github The official documentation of the Retweet project Retweet was created in order …

Backup Checker, the ServerSpec for your backups

Follow me on  or Twitter  or Diaspora* Sysadmins usually know ServerSpec, a tool allowing to check if your servers are correctly configured. The use of automated deployment tools makes deployments easier and easier, but lot of unexpected situations can come up using this tool, especially when more and more servers are implied. ServerSpec allows to verify …

Verify the backups of backup-manager

Follow me on  or Twitter  or Diaspora* Backup-manager is a tool creating backups and storing them locally. It’s really usefult to keep a regular backup of a quickly-changing trees of files (like a development environment) or for traditional backups if you have a NFS mount on your server. Backup-managers is also able to send backup itself …